Clinical Practice

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Get hands-on experience from the very beginning.

At SIU, you will get to put what you’re learning on campus into practice in a public school classroom each and every semester.

Sixty-mile radius from SIU where you learn how to become a teacher

You will receive a well-rounded clinical preparation that includes exposure to diverse social-economic, racial, cultural and linguistic differences among students and teachers.

You will work with and learn from expert cooperating teachers in public school classrooms within the grade level(s) and/or content area of the Professional Educator License you are pursuing. Your clinical placements are intentional; we want to provide you with multiple experiences in a variety of settings to prepare you to teach all students in your licensure area.

Your clinical practice is interwoven with coursework. Your first three semesters, you will be applying what you’re learning in your classes to real world settings on a part-time basis in preparation for your final semester – full-time student teaching.

We offer clinical placements throughout the region, within a 60-mile radius of SIU, as well as at schools in Belleville and suburban Chicago.