Frequently Asked Questions
Last Updated: Mar 06, 2025, 03:49 PM
Below are our most frequently asked questions. Please get in touch with our department by email at or by phone at 618-453-2354 for any further questions.
What is required to teach in Illinois public schools?
How do I earn a PEL?
What is an ELIS account?
The Illinois State Board of Education maintains an electronic file on each Illinois license holder. Upon admission to the teacher education program, you will create an ELIS account by going to the ISBE website. There is no charge to create an ELIS account.
Educators can access their personal files through ELIS to check that ISBE has received test results and transcripts. School administrators will be able to check an educator’s credentials in ELIS to confirm he/she has a license with the appropriate endorsements.
What is a subsequent endorsement?
How can I add an endorsement to my PEL?
Can I teach in Illinois if I completed a teaching licensure program in another state?
What area of licensure are in high demand?
There are teacher shortages throughout the state but some specific areas of continuing demand include special education, ESL/Bilingual, secondary science and mathematics. The State Board of Education regularly studies the supply and demand for various types of educators in Illinois
When I complete the program or an additional endorsement will SIU send my official transcripts to the Illinois State Board of Education for educator license purposes?
No, students must order their electronic transcripts online
Choose the PDF delivery option and supply this email address: The electronic transcripts are considered official unless the student emails it to themselves and prints it out.
Where can I go for information on job opportunities?
Online at IASA Illinois Education Job Bank
Where can I go for information on state standards, recent legislative issues, and other educator license issues?
Online at
Who should I contact if I have a question about licensure?
You can send an email with your question to or call us at 618-453-2354.